
Dorset-based ökoform launched into the public arena on the BBC’s Dragon’s Den in 2022. Providing a stylish and practical desk with a built in heating solution.

Serious Tissues.

Serious by name and serious by nature, the brand has created the UK’s first carbon-neutral toilet paper.


NONA (No Oceans, No Air), sources retired fishing gear and turns them into clothes pegs, preventing fishing nets going into landfill, being incinerated, or becoming ocean bound.

Earthly Biochar.

Earthly Biochar is an innovative start-up on a mission to tackle the issue of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the resulting climate change emergency through biochar – a stable form of carbon, soil improver and method of carbon capture. The planet protector plans to scale biochar production in the UK, turning waste biomass into biochar.

All About Sleep.

All About Sleep offers eco-friendly bamboo bedding and sleep accessories, including scrunchies and eye masks. All of the products are made using sustainable, organic bamboo, which is a cruelty-free and vegan alternative to silk.

Big Clean Switch.

Big Clean Switch is a B Corp that partners with businesses and NGOs to help its customers and staff switch to low-cost, low-carbon energy. Big Clean Switch vets the suppliers on its panel to ensure they meet clear standards in terms of environmental performance and customer service.